The Intriguing Connection: Money Heist and Liquidity Injection
Exploring the Fictional Heists of Money Heist and Their Real-world Economic Parallels
Money Heist, the famous Spanish television series, has attracted many people not only due to its interesting storyline and excellent characters but also due to its connection to real-world finance and economics. It introduces us the concept of Liquidity Injection used in the financial world. In this blog post, we will delve into the connection between the show's fictional heists and real-world monetary policies.
The Story
The Story, Money Heist revolves around a well-planned heist of the Royal Mint of Spain masterminded by "The Professor" and executed by a team of talented criminals. While the heist is the main storyline it is the underlying economic impact that adds an interesting layer to the storyline.
Photo by Miquel Parera on Unsplash
Liquidity Injection From Fiction to Reality
Liquidity injection is the act of injecting additional money into the economy to improve growth and address recession. Central banks often use techniques like quantitative easing or fiscal stimulus packages to increase money supply and stimulate investment. Central Bank does it through the commercial banks which distributes loans to the common people at lower interest rate through increasing the money supply and getting out of recession.
Money Heist uses this technique of liquidity injection. The Professor's aim is to print billions of euros in the Royal Mint of Spain. His intention is not to steal people's money. He draws an analogy between his team and commercial banks stating that commercial banks tend to receive money from the central bank during the recession and only spend part of the money to ease the economic situation and the remaining amount is kept by them thereby directly benefitting from the liquidity injection.
Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash
Challenges of Injection
While liquidity injection helps to combat the recession it also has certain challenges to face. The injection of too much money into the economy can result in hyperinflation. Hence a delicate balance is essential to avoid recession and prevent hyperinflation.
Money Heist provides more than just thrilling entertainment, a connection between the heists and economic concepts. The show introduces us to liquidity injection and its impact. It reminds us a balance between easing recession and preventing excessive inflation is essential. So, the next time you watch Money Heist, take a second to think about its economic connections and appreciate it.
Do you think recession is around the corner in the current economic situation? Do you think the central bank will perform a liquidity injection to tackle it?